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What is a Foundation Fund?

Anyone can make a gift to the foundation. Donors come from a variety of backgrounds with a common commitment to the community's well-being. Whether creating a named fund, contributing to an existing fund, making a gift in memory of a friend or loved one, or making an unrestricted gift to the foundation, every person in the community can make a difference.

A fund is a separate trust with its own donors and its own philanthropic purpose. The funds held by the Blue Valley Community Foundation are invested and managed by the Investment Committee, a group of responsible professional institutional investors who live and work in the community. Solid and responsible investment strategies assure donors of the security of their funds.

The Foundation has five major types of funds: Donor Advised, Designated, Agency, Field of Interest and Unrestricted. Funds within these major types may be

Permanent Endowments - in which only the earnings are distributed to the community and the principal is never touched, ensuring that distributions will be made according to the donors' wishes in perpetuity.

Expendable Funds - meaning all of the principal and earnings may be distributed for charitable causes until the fund is depleted